Get to know your Doula - Stacey Ritter
/Meet Stacey Ritter
Stacey Ritter, one of our incredible doulas, is also owner of Little Lilacs Birth Services and Little Lilacs Wellness Collective. She is devoted to supporting families and helping them sort through options and information to enhance their birth and postpartum time. Schedule a consult today with Stacey!
What services do you offer?
Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula, Childbirth Education, Placenta Encapsulation, Belly Binding & Lactation Counseling
Where are you from?
I was born in Florida, but raised in Michigan for the majority of my childhood. I did spend some time living in Florida for a couple years in high school, but ultimately found my way to the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex in my early 20's.
Share a bit about family.
I married my husband on April 27th, 2014. A fun fact is that we married exactly on our one year anniversary from our first date! We have an incredible son, William, and family spread all over multiple states!
How did you come to join Little Lilacs?
After the birth of my son, I was completely changed and felt the calling to be a support for families just as my own doula was for us. My prayer was that God would lead me in this journey. This led to Little Lilacs Birth Services and the growth and opportunity to work with 5 other incredible ladies in supporting families!
What makes you stand out as a doula?
Dedication. My utmost priority is to support my clients. This looks different for everyone, sometimes it is mainly physical support, other times it is meeting them where they are emotionally and giving them the courage to keep going, and then it can also be helping them sort through the information during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. You cannot possibly put parameters around birth and postpartum. And though I cannot guarantee you a certain outcome, I can guarantee you individualized support and dedication. Lastly, my unique journey has greatly helped to give me perspective in many different experiences.
What book impacted you the most?
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg - This book applies to being a mother, a wife, a friend, an entrepreneur, and so many of our various roles.
What did you do before becoming a doula?
Well, I had worked in Fundraising for over 8 years before becoming a Doula. I actually finished my Masters Degree in Nonprofit Management just months before deciding to have a career change. Though the knowledge is definitely diverse to allow it to be beneficial in doula work as well.
What is something you wish all clients would know?
You are going to be an incredible mother. We do not have to compare ourselves, have a certain experience or do anything special to be able to show our unconditional love for our child(ren).
What are a couple of your hobbies?
I love learning new stuff, so a lot of times this comes in the form of reading. And taking my son for walks, he loves to explore and collect findings upon our walks.
Last question, if you could have a super power what would it be?
Seeing the future. If I could see the future, I could change the trajectory for the better, right?