"[Little Lilacs] have made us first time parents feel more confident and comfortable with the pregnancy, birthing process, breastfeeding, and having a new little one at home for the first time."

I just had to leave a review...not that Stacey needed another 5 star review. She is AMAZING!

My wife and I took one of her classes. While we hoped/expected to learn a few tricks to encourage labor to move along and keep my wife as comfortable as she can be, we were SHOCKED at her great energy, her ability to listen/understand what our needs were, and to track her thoughts and continue without missing a beat when we asked questions.

Little Lilacs has been well worth the time, money, and drive. They have made us first time parents feel more confident and comfortable with the pregnancy, birthing process, breastfeeding, and having a new little one at home for the first time.

—George | Fort Worth, Texas