Get to know your Doula - Lindsay Laubacher
/Meet Lindsay Laubacher
Lindsay Laubacher, one of our incredible doulas, supports families by meeting them where they are at. She has the gift of empowering expecting and new mothers in their journey and caring for them is such a special way. Schedule a consult today with Lindsay!
What services do you offer?
Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula, Childbirth Education & Belly Binding
Where are you from?
Originally from Calgary, Canada. Raised in The Colony, TX. Went to school in Norman, OK, Chemnitz, Germany, and Boston, MA. Settled in Lewisville, TX to raise my family.
Share a bit about family.
Married to Joe since 2011. We have 4 kids: Marlena, Eleanor, Joey and Jamie. We have a large extended family and love seeing them at every opportunity!
What did you do before becoming a doula?
I have degrees in psychology, German, and Applied Behavior Analysis. I am a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and supervise therapy programs for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. I have working in this field since 2008.
What is one of your greatest joys of being a doula?
Bringing peace and comfort to families in a time of great vulnerability. Also, the moment of birth brings tears to my eyes every time. It is so beautiful!
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
Italy! I love Italian food and I would really enjoy seeing the Vatican.
What song would be your theme song?
"This is the Day" - The The. I first heard it on an M&M commercial when I was young, and it just makes me smile. If I am feeling low I can sing a few bars and totally turn my mood around. Every day has the potential to be a great day!
What books do you recommend clients to read?
Your Medical Mind - How to Decide What is Right for You by Jerome Goopman; Childbirth Without Fear by Grantly Dick-Read
How did you come to join Little Lilacs?
I knew when I became pregnant with my fourth baby that I was interested in becoming a doula. I wanted to hire someone who would not only serve as my birth doula, but would mentor me in finding my own path as a doula. That someone was Stacey Ritter!
Last question, what is something you wish all clients would know?
Wherever you are, it's the perfect place.