"While I was in labor I closed my eyes and listened for Vanessa's voice. She helped carry me to the finish line"

I gave birth to my second child last week. With my first birth, I felt like I sat in a bed afraid to move because of an epidural and just panicked for 12 hours. I knew there had to be a better way to have my second child, so I invested in the help of a doula. I found Vanessa and she immediately began to work on calming my fears about birth and encouraging me to have the natural birth I wanted. While I was in labor I closed my eyes and listened for Vanessa's voice. She helped carry me to the finish line with her different breathing techniques, essential oils, hip squeezes, etc...she knows every trick in the book to help with labor! My wife and I will be forever grateful for the positive and reassuring vibe Vanessa gave us. I will always recommend her to anyone interested in the support of a doula.

—Jessica | Fort Worth, Texas